The show is a queer reimagining of Mary Shelley’s classic novel, with Frankenstein’s transformation used as a metaphor for the Transgender experience. Set in Margaret Thatcher’s dystopian Britain – a monstrous, chaos-ridden world of gothic proportions, Cruel Britannia premiered at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe) before returning to Australia for its Australian premiere at Arts Centre Melbourne.
Melbourne’s own critically acclaimed writer and performer, Kristen Smyth (The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven) presents the Australian-premiere of her debut solo theatre show.
Set primarily in 1980s London, Captain Walton is navigating a society in flux. She/he has been in a far off world where there are bigots and racists and politicians who tell lies to your face and papers that say we’ve never had it so good and cost of living – well inflation IS running at 21.8% – but you are going to walk down this English suburban street and oh, there are skinheads coming and yes, you ARE wearing a dress.
Director Cohan leads a team of majority transgender and non-binary creatives to bring Smyth’s hauntingly poetic text to life.
Set against the backdrop of 80s club culture and hooliganism, Smyth offers a gritty, powerful, and revolutionary retelling of Frankenstein which questions who we call monsters and who we don’t.
November 20 -30