Sydney Comedy festival -Maddie Southall

by | Mar 1, 2024

How would you describe the show to someone who knows very little about it?

Gayer Than I Used To Be is a show about how I am well… gayer than I used to be. To everyone’s surprise, delight, disdain and confusion (depends who you ask) I’ve taken a step off the beaten track and accidentally slipped straight into the depths of gay panic. During my short time outside of the vice-like grip of heterosexuality, I’ve covered a vast number of quintessential gay experiences. A disgustingly dramatic long-distance lesbian relationship, getting my heart broken, buying Crocs on purpose, taking a hiatus from listening to men talk about The Godfather on dates, and then accidentally finding just the sweetest girlfriend on the planet (who’s hopefully still sweet by the time this show comes out but you’ll have to come to find out for yourself). Gayer Than I Used To Be is a hilarious stand-up comedy show about being gay, straight, somewhere in between, young, stoopid, broke or other. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join for a whimsical night of yapping, stories and love.

What sets your show apart from others appearing at this year’s SCF, and why should audiences see it?

This show isn’t only about being queer, it’s about being human. We’ve all had dramatic relational experiences, bought regrettable footwear and suffered on dating apps. This show is for anyone who is rediscovering who they are and wants to fucking laugh on the way. But also if you are gay, like definitely come.

What about your show are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of how honest it is. It’s so rogue getting up there and telling such personal stories in front of strangers (and even weirder in front of friends and family tbh).

Who or what was the inspiration for the show?

The inspiration for the show is me! And look, I know that’s a bit of a wank, but that’s how I feel! Since the show is so grounded in my personal experience, especially regarding experiencing changes in my sexuality, it is told first and foremost through my own experience. It’s a truly bizarre experience to witness your own sexuality keep evolving like a Pokémon and I’m sure plenty of people will relate, so that’s why I felt called to write this show. I’d also like to give a small and salty, crusty dusty little shout-out to my ex for rocking my shit so hard that I had no choice but to throw myself into making the whole experience something funny. You’re probably reading this, let’s be real- hi! (Do not contact me)

How long was the process from idea to writing to stage? Any challenges along the way?

The process of idea, to writing, to performing honestly spanned from immediately after my show Soft Serve at Sydney Comedy Festival last year, and will continue all the way up until about 15 minutes before I’m about to walk on stage this year to do this show! And even then it will change slightly while I’m actually up there doing it- stand up is such a fluid thing! Every audience is different, so every performance of the show will reflect that, especially since I love to ask the audience questions and riff on that a bit.

What attracts you to comedy and how long have you been involved?

I love performing in front of live audiences because every show is always different. They laugh harder at different stuff than the night before and I love when they want to tell me their stories and have a chat. I’ve been doing stand up for about 6 years now so you’re in good hands. And I won’t call on you if you sit in the front and you’re nervous – promise!

Who would you say have been your biggest inspirations?

Ali Wong

John Mulaney

What are three things that would surprise people to learn about you?

-I’m 6’1

-I’m an ex-athlete and represented Australia at the Junior World Rowing Championships in Rio

-I can make tiramisu

What comes after the SCF for you?

After SCF I’ll be working on a few TV shows I have in the works. I’m a screenwriter as well as a comedian so it’ll be fun to switch gears into script mode for a bit. But of course, you’ll see me doing gigs around Sydney and trying out new material. See you soon x

Maddie Southall – Factory Theatre – Thursday 16 May, Saturday 18 May – Sunday 19 May

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