Sydney Comedy Festival – Ting Lim

by | Mar 11, 2024

Ting Lim – Enmore Theatre Thursday 16 May – Sunday 19 May

How would you describe the show to someone who knows very little about it?

I find it very hard to say no. I’m a yes person. It’s about that. It’s a show about wanting to live without regret and often regretting it.

What sets your show apart from others appearing at this year’s SCF, and why should audiences see it?

It is a silly and light-hearted show about being a plus one at a funeral which, I am sure, is very different from all the other shows at the fringe. Unless everyone has turned up as a plus one to the same funeral. Then, come watch me in 2025.

What about your show are you most proud of?

The new hour of jokes that I put together. This is my best work yet and I am very proud of how the show has turned out.

Who or what was the inspiration for the show?

The inspiration for this year’s show was how I regretted saying yes to being a plus one to a funeral for someone I’d never heard of.

How long was the process from idea to writing to stage? Any challenges along the way?

More time than it takes me to say yes to something. There is no definite time frame when it comes to perfecting jokes. Sometimes they take weeks and sometimes they take a bit of delusion.

What attracts you to comedy and how long have you been involved?

The glamour of being on Centrelink with all my mates. I have been doing comedy for 10 plus years and love making people laugh at things I find funny. It is honestly the best feeling in the world.

Who would you say have been your biggest inspirations?

Ali Wong. Bill Burr. Donald Trump.

What are three things that would surprise people to learn about you?

I am a software developer. I love fried chicken and I have been convicted in court twice for littering in Singapore.

What comes after the SCF for you?

Learning to say no to things, especially littering.

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