THE BUTCHER, THE BAKER …. Midsumma Gender Bender Loaded Gun

by | Jan 28, 2025

The Butcher, The Baker … project was originally inspired by my experiences of living with a group of women on Amazon Acres deep in the New South Wales bush in the 1970’s “No men, no meat, no machines”. A tale with a twist, The Butcher, The Baker … is a story of a woman who in an effort to probe the mystery of a man she is obsessed with but cannot get close to disguises herself as a male. But the plan misfires and she is left with more than a sting in her tail!!!

Ella Filar, Melbourne’s ‘Queen of Cabaret’ (lnpress) is an independent writer, director and songwriter. A daughter of an ex-priest turned gynaecologist and a Jewish/ Polish Princess turned Communist, she is a Gaultier of performing arts. Ella begun strutting her Klezmatic, Kabaretic, “Genre Blender, Gender Bender” stuff around Melbourne Underground long before the Arcane Art of “Mix & Match” hit the internet. Inspired by Left-Of -Berlin European post – war musicology and performance, her highly original, inimitable style is characterised by a rich combination of the ordinary and the fantastic. It is a joyful yet terrifying challenge https:// crowsba rca ba ret. com/

Melbourne based, Kevin Hopkins has worked in the entertainment industry for over 30 years as an actor, director and teacher, both in Australia and internationally. A long-time ensemble member of the Australian Shakespeare Company, he has appeared in over 65 productions and has worked on over 20 productions at La Mama, either directing or acting. Since 2017 Kevin also works each year in Europe for the Prague Shakespeare Company.

February 5 – 15


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